5 Days, 5 Fun Exercises, 
1 Supercharged you

Join the Body iQ Challenge and learn simple techniques to transform your energy and your health without leaving your living room

Personal energy & immune-building, made simple less than 10 minutes a day

Join the waitlist to be the first to get notified about the dates for the next Challenge starting soon...

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Discover the Tools You Need to:

βœ”οΈRelease fear & anxiety 

βœ”οΈ Have more energy, strengthen your body, and feel more rested 

βœ”οΈ Avoid resorting to comfort foods to feel better

βœ”οΈ Have the vitality, resilience and stamina to remain calm and centered through this time

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"With all this coronavirus turmoil, professionally and personally, I've felt spent! Now after doing your exercises, I feel completely tingly and refreshed all over! Thank you, Karen!"

- Sara Hudson

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How it works:

πŸ”Ά After signing up for the wailist, I’ll send you some bonus pre-challenge emails and an introductory video that gives you an overview of the principles behind the challenge and the steps you’ll need to take to get started.

πŸ”Ά Then, when the Challenge starts, for 5 days, you’ll get an email with simple instructions and a video that highlights the day’s challenge.

πŸ”Ά I’ll also be going live to answer questions and guide you in your daily practice.

Try this Challenge!

5 Days to Discover How To Jump-Start Your Energy

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Totally feeling the energy today! Thank you, Karen, for making such a simple daily way for me to learn this great practice and stay consistent!

- Dr. Kristin Reihman, MD

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I didn’t know how bad my anxiety was until it was gone! One day I decided to step on the scale, which I don’t always do, but I looked down and I was 10 pounds lighter.

- Missy Scott

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Now in this time of more "social separation" I'm taking it as an opportunity to restructure my daily lifestyle according to MY desires and needs, and this guidance. I am so very grateful to you and for my good luck to be in this course with you, and with the others in MBiQ. 

-Connie Miller

Yes! Save My Spot!